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Title: In-Vitro Evaluation of Cytotoxic and Apoptogenic Properties of Mucuna Pruriens On Mcf7 Cell Lines
Authors: Gupta, Sonia
Gopinath, S. M.
Shareef, Ismail M.
Gupta, Ayushi
Keywords: Biotechnology
Mucuna pruriens
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Citation: Gupta, Sonia., Gopinath S. M., Shareef, Ismail M., & Gupta, Ayushi. (2017). In-Vitro Evaluation of Cytotoxic and Apoptogenic Properties of Mucuna Pruriens On Mcf7 Cell Lines. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(9), 924-932.
Abstract: Since last two decades researchers have come up with various synthetic chemotherapeutic agents to treat breast cancer. Ironically, these synthetic agents either cause various side effects or breast cancer cells develop resistance towards them. The present study is aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic and apoptogenic properties of extract from Mucuna pruriens seeds on breast adenocarcinoma MCF7 cell lines. MCF7 cells treated with the different concentrations of ethanol extract of the plant sample was subjected to cytotoxic assay, hemolysis assay, G2M phase cell cycle studies and apoptotic studies. Mucuna pruriens seeds extract in concentration of 320μg/ml was found to induce apoptosis in 52.3% of MCF7 cells and was non-hemolytic because of which it manifest to be potential prospect to fight against breast cancer.
ISSN: 2278 – 4357
Appears in Collections:Faculty Publications

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