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Title: A Study on Growers Perception of areca Marketing Towards MAMCOS. Ltd. at Malenad Areca Marketing cooperative Society Ltd, Shivamogga
Authors: Gandharva, C.
Reena, Mahesh Rao
Keywords: Malenad Areca
Agricultural marketing
Rural Economy
Government of Karnataka
Issue Date: 17-May-2018
Publisher: Acharya Institute of Technology.
Citation: Gandharva, C., & Reena, Mahesh Rao (2018). A study on growers perception of areca marketing towards MAMCOS Ltd. at Malenad Areca Marketing cooperative Society Ltd, Shivamogga. 1-66.
Abstract: In India, agriculture used to be based on livelihoods. The village looks good. People exchanged goods and services in the village on the basis of exchange of goods. With the development of transportation and warehousing facilities, agriculture has been commercialized. Farmers plant crops that choose to get better prices. The sale of agricultural products is considered an integral part of agriculture because farmers are encouraged to increase investment and increase production. Therefore, people are increasingly aware that the production of crops or animal products is not enough; it must also be on the market.
Description: Use only for the academic purpose.
Appears in Collections:2018

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