Purchase suggestions

Your purchase suggestions
Summary Suggested on Note Suggested for Managed by Status

N.n Inamdar & a.h Nathani, - Career Publications (2019) , NIPER: a Companion 2019 - Book

20/02/2020 Note: There are no specific books available for NIPER preparations. Inamdar book is a good publication for competitive exams preparation related to pharmacy. So a copy of this book will be helpful for the preparation of NIPER examinations. Suggested for: Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy Managed by: Mrs Lakshmamma - 18/05/2020 Status: Accepted by the library (Dear Students, Right now u know the situation and it will be procured after Covid19)

Mahdik, - 2019, - nirali publications (pune) , pharmaceutical chemistry - Book

10/03/2020 Note: please get it Suggested for: Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy Managed by: Mrs Lakshmamma - 10/10/2020 Status: Accepted by the library (Dear Students, Right now u know the situation and it will be procured after Covid19)

Douglas Crockford,

26/03/2022 Suggested for: Acharya Institute of Technology Status: Accepted by the library (E-Book Sent to the user)

James Barrat, - Pan Macmillan India; Reprint edition(29April2015) - Ebook

15/05/2022 Note: Thus book is not available in libruary. Please get this book in libruary. It will be great. I hope you will consider my request. Thank you Suggested for: Acharya Institute of Technology Status: Accepted by the library (E-Book Sent to the user)

Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, - O'Reilly Media, Inc. - Book

01/06/2022 Note: Respected sir/mam, I am Rishabh. I would like to suggest this book, because it's very good for the beginners. Suggested for: Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies Status: Accepted by the library (E-Book Sent to the user)

Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, - O'Reilly Media, Inc. - Book

03/06/2022 Note: Good afternoon sir/mam, It's the updated version of head first Java, third edition and it will cover from Java 8-17. I would really appreciate if college manages to buy the book as this book is very good for learning about the Java. Thankyou Suggested for: Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies Managed by: Mr Parasappa Vajjaramatti - 10/06/2023 Status: Accepted by the library

Mr. Vijaysingh B. Padode, - 2023,

30/08/2023 Note: There are only old copies of this Journal available at the library can I please get the Latest ones. Suggested for: Acharya Institute of Technology Managed by: Mr Parasappa Vajjaramatti - 22/09/2023 Status: Checked by the library

Mr. Vijaysingh B. Padode , - 2023,

30/08/2023 Note: Kindly adhere to the same requested above . Thank you . Suggested for: Acharya Institute of Technology Managed by: Mr Parasappa Vajjaramatti - 22/09/2023 Status: Checked by the library

Encyclopaedia, - 2022, - Britannica , Britannica Global Edition 2022(30 Volumes) - Ebook

30/08/2023 Note: Kindly look into this purchase suggestion . I would be very obliged if this granted and looked into . Thank you . Suggested for: Acharya Institute of Technology Managed by: Mr Parasappa Vajjaramatti - 22/09/2023 Status: Checked by the library
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