HBR guide to changing your career - Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press, 2018. - x, 199 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - Harvard business review guides. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Section One. Understand what's going on. 1. Reawakening your passion for work: five practical strategies to guide you /​ Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee, and Daniel Goleman 2. Why so many of us experience a midlife crisis: blame biology, not your job /​ Hannes Schwandt
Section Two. What do you think you want to do? 3. Developing a strategy for a life of meaningful labor: it's never too late (or too early) /​ Brian Fetherstonhaugh 4. Turn the job you have into the job you want: use job crafting to reimagine your work life /​ Amy Wrzesniewski, Justin M. Berg, and Jane E. Dutton 5. Two ways to clarify your professional passions: build your self-awareness /​ Robert Steven Kaplan 6. For career direction, use your imagination: visualize the job of your dreams
and of your nightmares /​ Bill Barnett
Section Three. Is career change right for you? 7. Not taking risks is the riskiest career move of all: don't get too comfortable /​ Anne Kreamer 8. Can you actually afford to change your career?: assess the financial impact of a move /​ Russell Clayton 9. How to stay stuck in the wrong career: stop thinking; start doing /​ Herminia Ibarra
Section Four. Get going. 10. Test-drive your path: try out your new career before you make the switch /​ Dorie Clark 11. Research your destination with informational interviews: explore your options and make connections /​ Dorie Clark 12. Change your career without having to start all over again: capitalize on your past experience /​ Dorie Clark 13. Turning your complex career path into a coherent story: connect the dots for hiring managers /​ Anna Ranieri 14. Use your LinkedIn profile to power a career transition: show up in the right search results /​ Jane Heifetz 15. A scorecard to help you compare two jobs: measure the intangibles, too /​ Allison Rimm 16. How to build expertise in a new field: accelerate the process /​ Dorothy Leonard
Section Five. Get inspired. 17. Why you should have (at least) two careers at the same time: multiple jobs may be the secret to fulfillment /​ Kabir Sehgal 18. Advice from a serial life reinventor: an interview with Nilofer Merchant; It is possible to follow even your craziest dream /​ Sarah Green Carmichael 19. From accountant to yogi: making a radical career change: quit being the person you think you're "supposed" to be /​ Vijay Govindarajan and Hylke Faber.

You're well into your career and yet you're not where you want to be. Perhaps you've done everything you need to do to be named a partner, but your firm has encountered a crisis that's put all promotions on hold. Maybe a hobby or sidegig has helped unearth a new passion you'd love to pursue full-time. Perhaps you've come to realize that your current role is no longer meaningful. Or maybe you've exceeded all of the goals you set for your current career and you're ready for a new challenge. How do you envision possible new professional selves, explore your options, and embark on a dramatic career makeover when you have a mortgage to pay, kids to support, college and retirement funds to feed--and a full life and full-time job? Can you really set aside the years you've invested in your education and current industry? How can you make a radical change when there are so many demands on you? Whether you know what you want your second act to be or you have no clue--only that what you're doing isn't a match, this guide will help you chart a course and make the switch. You'll discover how to: - Break free of what your career is now to consider what it could be - Get an accurate picture of the skills and abilities you bring to the table - Create experiments that won't sabotage your current job - Assess the financial implications of making a change - Develop a compelling way to tell your story--tying even seemingly unrelated jobs into a cohesive narrative - Build expertise in a new field


Mid-career. Career changes.
