Bhalla, Prem P.

101 Ways to develop self confidence / Prem P. Bhalla - Goodwill Publishing House, New Delhi : - viii, 136p. : ill. ; 20 cm.

Self-confidence enables a person to succeed, march ahead in life and achieve a standing for oneself in the society. It helps focus the mind to the positive aspects of life and eliminates self-doubt. It enhances ones self-esteem, promotes maturity and encourages a person to take responsibility for ones successes and setbacks.

101 Ways to Develop Self-confidence is an easy-to-understand collection of ideas that can help a person to understand oneself, get rid of self-doubts and develop self­-confidence to succeed within the home, at the workplace and in society. The suggestions given in the book can transform life to make success a constant companion.



Develop self confidence
