Interview answers :

Roderick, Ceri

Interview answers : impressive answers to tough questions / Ceri Roderick & Stephan Lucks - New Delhi : Jaico Book House, 2015 - 171 p. ; 23 cm.

1. What is a competency and what is a competency-based interview?
2. Preparing for the interview
3. During the interview
4. Task-based questions: example interview answers
5. Thought-based questions: example interview answers
6. People-based questions: example interview questions
7. Non-competency-based questions
but still tough!
8. Troubleshooting
9. And finally.

Have you got show-stopping interview answers? Does the prospect of answering tough interview questions fill you with fear?

More recruiters than ever use competency-based questions to find the best candidate. Its not enough to merely survive these notoriously tough interviews-you must prove you are unquestionably the best person for the job.

Luckily for you, Interview Answers shows you how. Youll soon feel in control, turn the interview on its head and provide answers that recruiters really want to hear-whatever they throw at you.

Packed with coaching and example interview answers

relevant to every kind of job-hunter, discover how to:

Deftly handle a competency-based interview

Give answers that dazzle your interviewer

Turn tough questions to your advantage

Prepare for the unexpected

Arm yourself with the tools you need to get the job of your dreams. Can you afford not to?



Employment interviewing.

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